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Short Communication

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2016; 14(2): 58-62

Haematological and serum electrolyte responses in goats undergoing tibial fracture reduction

EA Uwagie-Ero, RI Udegbunam & KB Kadima.


Haematologic, biochemical, electrolyte and acid base values were determined in twelve goats prior to (baseline) tibia surgery, during surgery (at 45 min) and subsequently at 24 h and 72 h post operatively. The haematocrit, haemoglobin, blood urea nitrogen, blood glucose, sodium, potassium, chlorine, total carbon diaoxide (TCO2), anion gap, base excess, pH, partial carbon diaoxide (PaCO2) concentration and bicarbonate concentrations in the samples were obtained using the i-STAT EC8+ handheld biosensor analyzer. The osmolarity of the blood was also estimated. To investigate changes in the variables during and after fracture fixation, the control (baseline) values of the data were compared with the mean variables obtained per time point during and after surgery using ANOVA. The haematocrit, haemoglobin, blood glucose, osmolarity, anion gap, chlorine, sodium and potassium concentrations were significantly lower (p

Key words: Haematolgy, Electrolytes, Acid-base, Tibia, Fracture, Surgery

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