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The development capacity and dynamics of the medicinal herbs market in Ukraine

Yuri Nykytiuk.


Dynamics of development in the market of medicinal vegetative raw materials in Ukraine has been analyzed. Trends and regularities on the market of medicinal plants in Ukraine in the context of sustainable development have been identified. In the analysis of the medicinal plants market, the key development aspects of this type of products market have been established, among which the obvious growing demand for herbal products in recent years, that can be achieved through the use of wild and cultivated raw material. Methods of determination of the medicinal vegetative raw materials market capacity have been improved basing on a comparative analysis of the retail trade and consumer preferences obtained by the methods of marketing research. The novelty of the technique is that its application allows to determine the complex average annual and maximum future needs of specific types of medicinal plants with limited official statistics.
As the result of the approbation of the method, the capacity of the medicinal plants domestic market of Ukraine has been calculated.

Key words: Aromatic plants; Herbal medicine; Medicinal plants; Phytomedicine market

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