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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(1): 88-90

Keratitis which is developed after keratoconus treatment with corneal cross-linking process, its causes and treatment approach: a case report

Emrah Ozturk, Abuzer Gunduz, Oguzhan Genc, Ozgur Yesiloz.

Cited by 0 Articles

A keratoconus patient, which is 17 years old male, is treated with corneal cross-linking process for his right eye. Two in the superior and two in the inferior, totally four corneal keratitis foci have been seen after post-operation first day controls. The superior eyelid meibomitis has been determined after detailed examination. It was thought that the keratitis foci developed because of this process. The patient hospitalizated and his treatment is reorganized. Corneal keratitis foci became smaller, corneal epithelial defects totally cicatrized after 6 days treatment and the patient was discharged. On the follow-ups, keratitis foci were recured by a minimal nephelions. As a result, although cross-linking process of keratoconus treatments are less invasive than the other methods, bacterial keratitis can be seen in the presence of predisposing factors. Meibomitis can lead to the development of bacterial keratitis as in our case.

Key words: Keratoconus; Corneal Cross-Linking Treatment; Bacterial Keratitis; Meibomitis

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