The pituitary gland is the master endocrine gland in the body; it is composed of the anterior and posterior portions. Hypopituitarism (HYPO) is a disease characterized by insufficient secretion of one or more pituitary hormones as a result of acquired or genetic causes. HYPO may adversely affect fertility if gonadotropin secretion is affected and hence it is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications. This review was conducted to assess outcomes of fertility and pregnancy among women with HYPO by reviewing the previous studies reported on this subject. The databases of PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were used for searching for related studies using various terms related to the study subject. The eligible articles were English original studies that reported fertility and pregnancy outcomes among women complaining of HYPO. Seven studies published between 2002 and 2024 were included. The hormone deficiencies and causes of HYPO were identified as well as ovulation, pregnancy, and live birth rates. Also, maternal and neonatal outcomes were identified as well as pregnancy complications. Ovulation, pregnancy, and live birth rates were good among women with HYPO who underwent ovulation induction and underwent HYPO therapy before conception reflecting promising favorable outcomes. However, complications of pregnancy could be identified.
Key words: Hypopituitarism, fertility, pregnancy, outcomes, systemic review