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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2016; 14(3): 1-7

Effects of storage temperature and extension media on motility of caprine spermatozoa

SA Olurode & O Ajala.


The survivability of caprine spermatozoa was compared in semen extenders prepared from the conventional egg-yolk citrate and goat-milk citrate. Motility was comparable in both sets of extenders during the first 24 hours post-extension when extended ejaculates were stored at either room temperature (28 OC) or refrigerator temperature (5 OC). Motility in goat milk citrate extenders at 5OC was significantly higher (p

Key words: Egg-yolk citrate, Goat-milk citrate, Motility, Semen extension, Spermatozoa

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