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Case Report

A rare cause of ulnar-side wrist pain: Ganglion cyst of the triquetrum

Ihsan Senturk, Mehmet Eroglu, Murat Yesil, Mehmet Yucehan.


Diagnosing chronic wrist pain may sometimes be challenging and the differential diagnoses include many conditions (traumatic, rheumatoid, neoplasms, etc.). This report describes a case of chronic wrist pain due to intraosseous ganglion cyst of triquetrum. The wrist pain had lasted for 6 months and was not relieved by conservative treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intraosseous ganglion cyst. The triquetrum was tender on palpation. After curettage and grafting of the cyst, and 6 months of follow-up, the patient was free of complaints with full range of motion of the wrist. Although mostly asymptomatic, intraosseous ganglion cysts should be kept in mind when assessing wrist pain.

Key words: Intraosseous ganglion cyst, carpal bone, wrist pain

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