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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2457-2464

Helping Attitude Of Secondary School Students Of Dhemaji District, Assam

Mrinal Boruah.


Helping attitude refers to an individual's willingness or concerns to help in others' welfare. It is a voluntary action-centric attitude to help others that may be both reward oriented or completely selfless. The present study is an attempt to investigate the helping attitude of secondary school students of Dhemaji district, Assam. The sample participants consisted of 245 (122 male and 123 female) students of class IX and X from 12 government and private secondary schools of Dhemaji district, Assam. The 'Helping Attitude Scale' (Gary S. Nickell,1998) was used to collect the data from the selected sample students. The present study revealed that there is a significant difference in helping attitude among the students as their gender (male and female), school governance (government and private) and Caste (General, SC, ST and OBC) were concerned. But no difference in helping attitude was found when their residential status was considered.

Key words: Helping Attitude, Secondary School Students

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