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Review Article

Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(2): 232-237

Zika virus: fourth pandemic threat of the last decade /Zika virüs: son on yılın dördüncü pandemi tehdidi

Yusuf Yakupoğulları, Barış Otlu.

Cited by 0 Articles

After its first discovery for 70 years, World Health Organization has classified the Zika virus (ZIKV) as a global health risk. The ZIKV that is transmitted to human by some species of Aedes mosquitos has caused sporadic and epidemic infections generally in tropical and subtropical regions to date. Though it mainly produces a self-limiting febrile rash disease in symptomatic cases, its real significance has been better understood after detection of its ability to promote immune-mediated neurologic disorders such as Guillain Barre syndrome in healthy adults following the acute infection, and microcephalia in the fetus of infected pregnants. In addition to vectors, its ability to spread by bloodborne and sexual route were recognized as the most potent feature of ZIKV to spread in population. Wide global distribution of the vectors, including our country, poses a substantial continuous risk for Turkey. Furthermore, increasing human movement due to the Olympic Games that will be held in Brazil in 2016 summer, where the virus is the most prevalent country, is a growing concern about augmenting the spread of virus to the world. In this review, latest data about the ZIKV transmission, health problems caused by, and treatment properties were aimed to be evaluated in a historical progress, and some preventive measurements were suggested.

Key words: Zika Virus; Pandemic; Flaviviridae.

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