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Original Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(2): 199-206

Effect of exogenous application of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on cell maturity of Olea europaea L. and extractability of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil



The effect of exogenous application of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) at fruit set and at veraison on the cell maturity of the olive and on extractability of phenolic compounds (PC) in virgin olive oil was studied. The IAA was sprayed on the olive trees at fruit set and on other olive trees at veraison at a concentration of 10-3 mg / l. The effect of these treatments was evaluated by fruit yield and the period of growth and maturation of olives. The extractability of olive oil and diffusion of PC in this latest as well as the embrittlement of the parietal structures are also tracked. The IAA applied at fruit set leads to inhibition of fruit drop but without changing the period of growth and maturation. At full maturity, a significant increase in total lipids was observed and the quantity of oil extracted but without changing their phenolic quality. The treatment at veraison leads to precocity of maturation estimated a month and a gain of 11% fruit. At this stage, a significant increase in the accumulation of fat and the amounts of extracted oils and a significant improvement in the extractability of PC diffusible in these oils at maturity.

Key words: Olea europaea L.; indole-3-acetic acid; olive oil; ripening; phenolic compounds.

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