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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(4): 451-454

Variation of axillopectoral muscle and surgical importance: a case report

Mahmut Cay, Songul Cuglan, Deniz Senol, Davut Ozbag, Evren Kose.

Cited by 0 Articles

M. axillopectoralis (MAP) has been examined under different names and variations in different studies. In routinely conducted dissection studies, an arch holding onto m. pectoralis major originating from latissimus dorsi muscle was detected in the left fossa axillaris of a male cadaver aged 35-40. It was determined that the end branches of a. axillaris, v. axillaris, and plexus brachialis existing in that area passed through the underneath of that arch. MAP has a clinical and morphological importance for those surgeons that are to make surgical interventions in the fossa axillaris area. Thus, surgeons are required to consider the probability of such muscle structure to exist in this area.

Key words: Fossa Axillaris; Variation; Latissimus Dorsi Muscle; MAP; Cadaver.

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