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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2016; 14(3): 58-61

Effects of menotrophin and chorulon on superovulation in Red Sokoto does

S Sidi, MA Umaru, A Jibril, MD Lawal, S Buhari, A Ahmed, GD Mshelia, AM Ibrahim & MS Yahaya.


The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of menotrophin, chorulon and their combinations in superovulation in Red Sokoto does. Fifteen healthy does weighed between 14 and 25 kg were divided into 3 groups of 5 (n=5) each. All does in the 3 groups were synchronized with CIDR for 14 days. Superovulation was performed as follows: Group 1 were treated with 37.5 IU menotrophin for three days, group 2 were treated with 500IU chorulon for 1 day and group 3 were treated with 18.75 iµ menotrophin for 3 days and 250IU chorulon for one day. The mean SEM superovulatory response in group 1, 2 and 3 was (2.6 0.92, 3.2 0.58 and 9.4 0.68) respectively. The superovulatory response showed no significant differences between group 1 and 2 however, there were statistically significance differences (p

Key words: Chorulon, CIDR, Doe, Menotrophin, Sokoto, Superovulation

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