Leg cramps is a common problem in pregnancy particularly at night. The causes are usually due to a sluggish circulation in the legs because of the pregnancy and it is made with the increased pressure as baby grows.This study is conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention of leg cramps by comparing pre test and post test.Pre experimental one group pre test and post test design was adopted to conduct study among ante natal mothers at Maternal Child Health Centre, Tirupati. Non probability convenience sampling technique was utilized to select the samples of the study. The tool was validated by experts and modifications were made according to experts suggestions.Overall pretest mean was 9.800 and standard deviation was 3.805 and post test mean was 29.860 and standard deviation was 1.600. The findings of this study revealed that structured teaching programme was effective in enhancing the knowledge regarding prevention of leg cramps among antenatal mothers.
Key words: Leg cramps, Antenatal, Circulation.