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An epidemiological study of animal bite cases in a tertiary care center of Bhopal city: A cross-sectional study

Seema Patel, Manju Toppo, Rama Lodha.

Cited by 15 Articles

Background: Rabies is 100% fatal, 100% vaccine preventable disease, yet continues to kill. There are no global estimates of dog bite incidence; however, studies suggest that dog bites account for tens of millions of injuries annually. Tens of thousands of people die from rabies each year; one person dies every 10 min, with the greatest burden in Asia and Africa. Rabies is the 10th biggest cause of death due to infectious diseases worldwide, and it causes more than 59,000 fatalities per year worldwide.

Objective: To determine the profile of animal bite cases attending the Anti-rabies Clinic of Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal.

Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out at Anti-rabies Clinic of Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal. The study was carried out by interviewing 1200 cases of animal bite for a period of 1 year.

Result: A total of 1200 cases of animal bites were interviewed and examined in the present study. Most commonly (34.58%) affected age group was

Key words: Epidemiological; Animal Bite; Rabies; Tertiary Care Centre; Bhopal

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