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NNJ. 2015; 4(3): 11-13


'D. Srilatha', 'N.Rajini'..


U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) have approved food irradiation methods for a number of foods. Irradiation can be used on health mixes, infant foods, herbs and spices, fresh fruits and vegetables, wheat, flour, pork, poultry and other meat, and some seafood. Food preservation by irradiation retains flavour, colour and taste of fresh foods.This study is done to study the preparation and preservation through irradiated navadhanya mix and diabetic mix and its acceptance on health and diabetic individuals.Two health mixes, Navadhanya and diabetic mixes were developed and standardized, and subjected to irradiation at Baba Atomic Research Centre, Bombay by exposing the samples to 0.25KGy gamma rays at 25 degree centigrade in cobalt 60 gamma cell 220. Two receipes, diabetic chapathi and Navadhanya laddu were prepared using irradiated mixes and subjected to acceptance in healthy and diabetic individuals. Results: The majority of the community panel said that there was no difference between irradiated and non irradiated chapathi and laddu in overall acceptance. Conclusion: The acceptable studies on irradiated products showed that both the irradiated and non irradiated foods were equally accepted and the difference is not statistically significant. Even though both have their own health benefits.

Key words: Diabetes, Diet, Healthy diet mix.

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