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Influence of charcoal-based soil amendments on growth and nutrient uptake of rice (Oryza sativa) in Cadmium contaminated soil

Venecio Uy Ultra, John paolo Nunez, Sang Chul Lee.


Cadmium contamination in paddy soils contributes to Cd toxicity and health risk to humans through consumption of Cd-contaminated rice. The potential of charcoal-based soil amendment in alleviating cadmium (Cd) toxicity in rice grown in paddy soil with low nitrogen availability was assessed in order to identify strategies to curve the problems of Cd contamination in the rice. A pot culture experiment was conducted using a Cd-spiked soil with treatment combinations involving two types of charcoal amendments: carbonized rice hull (CRH) and wood charcoal (WC); and three levels of Cd concentration (0, 10 and 20 mg kg-1). CRH and WC amendments reduced the dry matter yield, plant height, tiller number and chlorophyll-SPAD value of rice in the Cd-contaminated soil. CRH and WC amendments reduced the soluble N but enhanced the residual N, water soluble and exchangeable K, Mg, Ca and Si in soil. The Cd2+ in soil solution was significantly (p

Key words: Carbonized rice hull, Cd availability, nutrient dynamics, soil solution, wood charcoal

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