We aimed to determine the relationship between the pulmonary functions with disease activity, functionality, spinal mobility and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondyilitis (AS). PATIENTS AND METHOD: 52 patients (44 male, 8 female) who were diagnosed as AS in Şişli Etfal Education and Research Hospital physical medicine and rehabilitation policlinics according to the Modified New York criteria, participated in our study. The demographic characteristics and smoking habbits were questioned, the chest expansion was measured. The functional activity, disease activity, spinal mobility measurement were evaluated by BASFI, BASDAI,BASMI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis functional, disease activity, metrology ındex),and the life quality was evaluated by life quality spesific to the disease (ASQOL). The respiratory functions were measured by spirometry. 52 patients in 31 patients restrictive, and in 1 patient mixed pattern pulmonary involvement were detected. There was no determined no significant difference between who detected and not detected restrictive lung disease regarding age, gender, body mass index, lung expansion (LE), history of smoking (p>0.005). Pulmonary function tests results and LE of smoker and no smoker patients were similar. While LE was found to be positively correlated with FEV1 and FVC (p
Key words: Ankylosing spondyilitis, pulmoner functions, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Index, quality of life