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The value of short segment conduction studies in localizing ulnar neuropathy of the elbow

Selcuk Yalcinkaya, Funda Atamaz Calis, Oguz Ozdemir, Levent Kucuk, Huseyin Gunay, Arzu Yagiz On.


Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the localizing value of short segment conduction studies (SSCSs) by comparing pre-surgical SSCS findings with intraoperative findings in patients with ulnar neuropathy of the elbow.
Patients and Methods: Pre-surgical SSCSs were performed in 20 patients and compared with the intraoperative findings. Functional and electrophysiological recoveries were assessed at postoperative month 3. Overall, compressed nerve segments identified by SSCSs were compatible with the intraoperative findings in 90% of patients.
Results: The success rate of surgery was higher in the patients with SSCS-determined single-level compression as compared to multi-level compression. SSCS abnormalities persistent in six patients with poor functional recovery.
Conclusion: SSCSs are valuable for localizing compressed segments, thus they can be used as a guide for minimalist surgical techniques. These studies also appear valuable for predicting surgical outcome in patients with ulnar neuropathy of the elbow.

Key words: Ulnar nerve, cubital tunnel syndrome, short segment conduction study, ulnar neuropathy, surgery

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