Introduction: The commonest mitral regurgitation etiologies are degenerative (60%), rheumatic post-inflammatory, 12%) and functional (25%). Due to the large number of patients with acute MI, the incidence of ischaemic MR is also high. Ischaemic mitral regurgitation is a complex multifactorial disease that involves left ventricular geometry, the mitral annulus, and the valvular/subvalvular apparatus. Ischaemic mitral regurgitation is an important consequence of LV remodeling after myocardial infarction. Research Objectives: The objective of this study is to determine the role of echocardiography in detecting and assessment of mitral regurgitation mechanism, severity, impact on treatment strategy and long term outcome in patients with myocardial infarction during the follow up period of 5 years. Also one of objectives to determine if the absence or presence of ischaemic MR is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in patients with myocardial infarction. Patients and methods: The study covered 138 adult patients. All patients were subjected to echocardiography evaluation after acute myocardial infarction during the period of follow up for 5 years. The patients were examined on an ultrasound machine Philips iE 33 xMatrix, Philips HD 11 XE, and GE Vivid 7 equipped with all cardiologic probes for adults and multi-plan TEE probes. We evaluated mechanisms and severity of mitral regurgitation which includes the regurgitant volume (RV), effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA), the regurgitant fraction (RF), Jet/LA area, also we measured the of vena contracta width (VC width cm) for assessment of IMR severity, papillary muscles anatomy and displacement, LV systolic function ± dilation, LV regional wall motion abnormality WMA, LV WMI, Left ventricle LV remodeling, impact on treatment strategy and long term mortality. Results: We analyzed and follow up 138 patients with previous (>16 days) Q-wave myocardial infarction by ECG who underwent TTE and TEE echocardiography for detection and assessment of ischaemic mitral regurgitation (IMR) with baseline age (62 ± 9), ejection fraction (EF 41±12%), the regurgitant volume (RV) were 42±21 mL/beat, and effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA) 20±16 mm2, the regurgitant fraction (RF) were 48±10%, Jet/LA area 47±12%. Also we measured the of vena contracta width (VC width cm) 0,4±0,6 for assessment of IMR severity. During 5 years follow up, total mortality for patients with moderate/severe IMRgrade II-IV (54.2±1.8%) were higher than for those with mild IMRgrade I (30.4±2.9%) (P
Key words: Ischaemic mitral regurgitation, Myocardial infarction, Ventricular remodelling, Regurgitant volume (RV), Effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA), Regurgitant fraction (RF), Papillary muscle displacement, Mitral annulus dilation, Mitral leaflet tethering.