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Semantic-Web Architecture for Electronic Discharge Summary Based on OWL 2.0 Standard

Shahram Tahmasebian, Mostafa Langarizadeh, Marjan Ghazisaeidi, and Reza Safdari.


Introduction: Patients’ electronic medical record contains all information related to treatment processes during hospitalization. One of the most important documents in this record is the record summary. In this document, summary of the whole treatment process is presented which is used for subsequent treatments and other issues pertaining to the treatment. Using suitable architecture for this document, apart from the aforementioned points we can use it in other fields such as data mining or decision making based on the cases. Material and Methods: In this study, at first, a model for patient’s medical record summary has been suggested using semantic web-based architecture. Then, based on service-oriented architecture and using Java programming language, a software solution was designed and run in a way to generate medical record summary with this structure and at the end, new uses of this structure was explained. Results: in this study a structure for medical record summaries along with corrective points within semantic web has been offered and a software running within Java along with special ontologies are provided. Discussion and Conclusion: After discussing the project with the experts of medical/health data management and medical informatics as well as clinical experts, it became clear that suggested design for medical record summary apart from covering many issues currently faced in the medical records has also many advantages including its uses in research projects, decision making based on the cases etc.

Key words: Electronic discharge summary, semantic web, service-oriented architecture, ontology.

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