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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(1): 193-198

Design, Development and Characterization of Valsartan Microsponges by Quasi Emulsion Technique and the Impact of Stirring Rate on Microsponge Formation

Madhuri Desavathu, Raghuveer Pathuri, Mounika Chunduru.


Valsartan is an anti hypertensive drug belongs to BCS class II which is poorly soluble in water.The present research vocation was to develop Valsartan microsponges by quasi emulsion solvent diffusion technique and to study the effect of formulation variables (drug-polymer ratio),Effect of stirring rate and diverse factors affecting physical characteristics of microsponge were investigated as well . The thought behind developing polymeric microsponge delivery system was to deliver active ingredient in a continual manner for extensive time period to reduce application frequency, hypersensitive reactions and to improve bioavailability The development of microsponge formulation of valsartan is to enhance its therapeutic benefits and minimize its side effects, while improving the management of the disease condition.
The microsponges enclosing valsartan were fabricated by quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method . The microsponges were evaluated for their particle size, drug content,production yeild, loading efficiency and in vitro drug release and the effect of stirring rate on microsponge formation also studied. The selected formula was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
Results :
The in vitro dissolution of microsponges showed higher drug release compared to the pure drug. The optimum formula has an mean particle size of 29.6 ± 0.86 µm. The entrapment efficiency of valsartan microsponge formulation show the values of 33.8- 84.5

A micro sponge delivery system can release its active ingredient on a timer mode. Therefore, micro sponge has got a lot of potential and is a very emerging field which is needed to be explored.

Key words: Key words: Valsartan , Microsponges , Stirring rate, Entrapment efficiency.

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