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Comparative study of simple auditory reaction time in blind and blindfolded sighted individuals

Bhavana G Bhirud, Lalita M Chandan.

Cited by 4 Articles

Background: The ability of blinds to adapt themselves to cope with environmental stimuli depends on the quickness of response which in turn depends on sensory perception and central processing.

Aims and Objectives: In this study, simple auditory reaction time has been used to evaluate the processing speed of the central nervous system and coordination between sensory and motor systems in congenitally blind and sighted subjects.

Materials and Methods: 30 congenitally blind braille readers and 30 age and gender matched controls were included in the study. Simple auditory reaction time was evaluated.

Results: The auditory reaction time is significantly reduced, in congenitally blind participants compared to blindfolded sighted participants.

Conclusion: Congenitally blind subjects outperformed blindfolded sighted subjects with respect to auditory reaction time.

Key words: Auditory Reaction Time; Congenitally Blind; Blindfolded Sighted Individuals

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