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Technical Note

The use of two K-wires in cross-leg free flap as a simple fixation technique together with -Y- artery anastomosis

Adem Topkara, Adem Ozkan, Ramazan Hakan Ozcan, Ali Cagdas Yorukoglu.


Cross-leg free flap is a method that can be utilized in cases of serious injury where no available recipient vessels can be found in the neighboring sites to defects. Plasters or external fixators are generally used for postoperative immobilization, and generally, one of the major arteries of the uninjured extremity is sacrificed for flap revascularization. Here, we present the -Y- anastomosis method, which obviates the need to resort to major artery sacrifice, used together with K-wire as a simple but influential fixation technique in cross-leg free flap.

Key words: Keywords: Cross-leg, free flap, K-wire, fixation, anastomosis

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