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Case Report

Ischemic stroke in young age

Guleser Akpinar, Harika Gunduz, Mehmet Serin, Adem Melekoglu.


The etiology of young patients with ischemic stroke differs from the etiology of elderly population and is still a subject of investigation. In the patients who are 40 years old and under 40 years other etiologies like vasculopathies, cardioembolism or coagulopathies are the most frequently seen causes for the ischemic stroke. A specific diagnostic approach is very important for young patients with ischemic stroke. If untreated, infective endocarditis is virtually always a fatal disease. Fever, cardiac soufflé, and nonspecific symptoms, such as myalgia and fatigue, are common.
This case report also emphasizes that we should not forget infective endocarditis in the etiology of systemic embo¬lisms, especially in young patients.

Key words: Endocarditis, embolism, stroke

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