This clinical case report described the management of ruptured congenital umbilical hernia in an 8-weeks-old piglet at a private pig farm in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. The umbilical hernia was first noticed when the piglet was 4-weeks-old as a small bulge at the navel which increased in size as the piglet grew. At 8 weeks, the hernia had enlarged to an appreciable size that the piglet moved with some degree of difficulty and the skin around the hernia became thin revealing a non reducible umbilical hernia complicated with navel abscess. While trying to restrain the piglet for physical examination, trauma from the floor of the pen caused the hernia to rupture resulting in evisceration of the intestine. Following sedation of the piglet, it was restrained on dorsal recumbency. The condition was then surgically managed. The piglet recovered uneventfully with no reoccurrence or complications during the 3 weeks follow up period.
Key words: Umbilical hernia, Piglet, Abscess, Ruptured hernia, Elliptical skin incision, Intestine