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RMJ. 2017; 42(3): 372-378

Frequency of otitis media and its predisposing factors

Salina Husain, Sazafi Mohd Saad, Asma Abdullah, Goh Bee See, Lokman Saim, Mazita Ami.


Objective: To estimate the frequency of otitis media (OM) and its predisposing factors in urban communities.
Methodology: It was an epidemiological, prospective, descriptive study was carried out at UKM Medical Centre and general practitioner clinics in Kuala Lumpur and included 117 patients aged 0-12 years. Demographic data, presenting symptoms, clinical features, associated risk factors and bacteria isolated from ear discharges were gathered.
Results: We found that the overall frequency of OM was 453.3 per 100,000 population members. The most common presenting symptoms were ear pain (29%), followed by fever (20%), ear discharge (19%) and ear blockage (8%). Pseudomonas aeruginosa (36%), Streptococcus pneumoniae (8%) and Streptococcus pyogenes (8%) were the most prevalent organisms. The predominant risk factors were lack of extended breastfeeding (63%), followed by an attendance at a group daycare center (53%) and allergic rhinitis (34%).
Conclusion: The frequency of OM is lower than that reported in previous studies in developing countries. Gram-positive bacteria were the most commonly isolated organisms. Lack of breastfeeding, attendance at a group daycare center and allergic rhinitis were the risk factors for OM found in this study.

Key words: Acute otitis media, frequency, otitis media, predisposing factors

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