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Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sci.. 2016; 24(1): 7-13

Gastroprotective Activities of the n-Hexane Fraction of Heliotropium indicum on Gastric Ulceration

M.D. Ayoola, A.A. Akinlolu, S. Adeboga and J.O. Otulana.


Heliotropium indicum has been established to possess gastroprotective properties. We evaluated the gastroprotective properties of the non-polar (n-hexane) fraction of H. indicum to establish its anti-ulcer activities. Rats of Groups I and II received physiological saline and 80 mg/kg/body weight (bw) of Indomethacin respectively. Rats of Groups III – VI received orally 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg/bw of the n – hexane fraction of methanolic extracts of dried leaves of H. indicum and 50 mg/kg/bw of Ranitidine respectively before the induction of gastric ulceration. One hour after administration of extract doses and Ranitidine, 80 mg/kg/bw of Indomethacin (an ulcerogen) was administered orally to rats of Groups III – VI. Morphological analyses show that administrations of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg/bw of extract and Ranitidine resulted in percentage ulcer reductions of 45%, 50%, 75% and 95% respectively. Histological analyses of the stomach in rats of Groups II and III show erosion of mucus-secreting cells, parietal cells, gastric pit and glands. Erosion of few mucus-secreting cells, gastric pit and parietal cells were observed in rats of Group IV. Normal cytoarchitectures of the mucosa layer were observed in rats of Groups I, V and VI. Our findings show that the n-hexane fraction of H. indicum possessed gastroprotective properties.

Key words: Heliotropium indicum, Indomethacin, Ulceration.

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