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Technical Note

Separation of Veins and Arteries for estimating Hypertensive Retinopathy in Fundus Images

Shafiq Hussain, Muhammad Rehan Faheem.


The determinations of Hypertensive Retinopathy (HR) through retinal pictures turn out being a vital issue today since HR is quickly expanding ailment that is found in eyes. HR happens because of the height of the circulatory strain. The most imperative estimation that is used to analyze HR through retinal pictures is arteriovenous proportion (AVR). This paper depicts a strategy to decide AVR by first section the vessels using match separating method and afterward identify the optic circle to decide the Region of Interest. When the area of interest is discovered, we order the veins into supply routes and veins utilizing Neural Network to decide the AVR. Once the vessels are classified, we separate the arteries and veins based on the color separation. The work is performed by using MATLAB R2014. This paper is partitioned into four segments. Area one portrays the introduction. Area two decribes the technique/ systems to decide AVR. Area three depicts the examination of results with some past results. Segment four portrays the conclusion.

Key words: Enhancement of Fundus Image, Segmentation of retinal image, Neural Network Classification, Width of Blood Vessels, Separation of Veins and Arteries

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