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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2017; 30(2): 154-159

Rapid efficacy of the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in treatment of persistent complex bereavement disorder: report of two cases

Alisan Burak Yasar, Dilara Usta, Meliha Zengin Eroglu, Onder Kavakci, Ayse Enise Abamor, Ecem Tavacioglu.


Grief occurs following the loss of a beloved one and it is a normal experience. However, prolonged (>6 months) grief can serve as a ground for a pathological situation. According to DSM-5, persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) is diagnosed if the grief period exceeds twelve months. If this grief experience accompanies a traumatic event, DSM-5 Appendix recommends including Traumatic Death Specifier. In the process of PCBD, there can be several symptoms such as decreased functionality, sleep disorders, depressed mood, guilt feelings, somatic disorders and denial of the death. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is one of the treatment methods for PCBD. In this study, two cases diagnosed with PCDB and recovered apparently with a time-limited EMDR treatment are presented.

Key words: Eye movement desensitization reprocessing, persistent complex bereavement disorder, traumatic grief

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