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Quantitative Assessment of Theses at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Years–(1995-2014)

Azita Balaghafari, Hasan Siamian, Farideh Kharamin, Seyyedeh Shahrbanoo Rashida, and Nassim Ghahrani.


Background: Review and evaluation of research for the correct steps towards real progress is essential which is a healthy and dynamic feature of the system. For the correct step toward real progress, evaluation research is essential which is feature of healthy and dynamic system. Considering the importance of scientific thesis in production and development and be aware of as the lack of structured information and qualitative and quantitative assessment at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, therefore we decided to do qualitative stud of theirs prepared 1995-2014. Methods: This study was a descriptive survey, a sample of 325 graduate and PhD thesis and dissertation in clinical and basic science at the university of medical sciences of the population in 2060 is a thesis from 1994 to the end of 2014. To study the population, stratified sampling method was used. The descriptive study was conducted in terms of matching the degree thesis students, theses subjects, specialty of supervisors and Advisers. The data gathering tool was checklist of information (gender, discipline, degree and department education of students, School, year of dependence, title of theses and dissertations, specialty and departments of supervisors and advisers, type of research, grade obtained of students). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using 21 SPSS software. Results: We studied 325 theses; 303 dissertations which 1 researcher; 21 dissertations which 2 researchers and 1 dissertation with 3 researchers. A total of 348 students (174 females and 174 males) researcher had theses. The number of students in the Department of Basic Science 82 (23.5%), 266 (76.5 %) in clinical group; 29(8.33%), 29 (8.33%) master degree; 260 (74.71%) general practitioner; 58 (16.67%) specialty and 1(29) at the PhD level. There was no relationship between research and level of education (p = 0.081). However, it was found that majority of the theses for the general practitioner (59.8%) wryer type 1(status condition). By matching and determining the overlapping of specialty of the advisor and the guide with the title, titles of the theses. It was found that 298 (91.69%) of the theses correspond with the specialty of the advisors and the supervisors. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained on the review of the theses to direct students to fundamental research and applying of specialized groups of supervisors and advisers in accordance with research is felt. No doubt that in the future will improve the quality of the students’ theses.

Key words: Dissertations, Academic Evaluation, Research, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Quantitative assessment.

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