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RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 203-206

Characteristics of the medical students’ readiness for professional interaction with patients related to their age and residence

Lesya V. Lymar.


Objective: To determine the main characteristics of the medical students’ readiness for professional interpersonal interaction with patients related to their age and residence, with subsequent recommendations on correction of the necessary components.
Methodology: The study includes data of 334 medical students of Kharkiv National Medical University, Vinnitsa National Medical University, Ukraine which formed the following groups according to age: under 18 years; from 18 to 21 years; and the students aged over 21 years; and by the residence region: the city dwellers and country dwellers. The data were processed using the statistical software SPSS.
Results: The study found that junior students were characterized with better readiness data. The study of readiness for professional interaction according to the residence region did not detect considerable difference between those living in city and country.
Conclusion: Highest readiness level was detected in the youngest students’ group, which coincided with the 1st year students. The older students showed lower characteristics in all components of readiness, which may be due to the necessity to take responsibility while studying, emotional exhaustion during practical training in hospitals and poor psychological support from the university tutors.

Key words: Medical students, readiness for interaction, patients, emotional exhaustion, motivation, communication component, conative component.

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