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Study of QT interval in pediatric age group

Anwesit Mohanty, Magna Manjareeka, Jayanti Mishra, Soumya Mishra, Jyotiprakash Mishra.

Cited by 1 Articles

clinical conditions not only in adults but also among the pediatric age group. Diseases with a high risk of sudden deaths in the pediatric age group have initiated the interests among the researchers to focus on electrocardiographic studies.

Aims and Objectives: This pilot study was done to obtain the normal QT values for the various age groups and both the genders of pediatric subjects.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted which included 162 healthy children (93 males and 69 females) and electrocardiographic recordings were taken. Subjects with congenital or acquired cardiovascular diseases were excluded from the study.

Results: All the participants were divided into three age groups of 1-5 years, 6-10 years, and 11-15 years. It was found that heart rate was inversely proportional to QT/QTc interval while RR interval was directly proportional to both QT and QTc interval. With age, heart rate decreases but other electrocardiograms parameters increase progressively. Although the heart rate is inversely correlated with QT/QTc interval, there is positive correlation of QT/QTc with RR interval.

Conclusion: Electrocardiography should be started as a routine investigation in pediatric subjects for the diagnosis of congenital and acquired cardiac diseases and arrhythmias which can be evident from QT interval determination.

Key words: QT Interval; Pediatric; Electrocardiographic; Age Groups; QT/QTc

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