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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(1): 209-213

Prevalence of vaginal infection in 15 to 24 years women in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Christelle W Nadembega, Florencia Djigma, Djeneba Ouermi, Simplice D Karou, Jacques Simpore.


The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of vaginal infection among young 15 to 24 years women in Ouagadougou. This prospective study carried out from April 2010 to February 2011 and concerned 118 women coming to medical care at Medical Center Saint Camille of Ouagadougou and the National Centre for University of Ouagadougou for gynecological consultation. Microscopic observations and culture on specific media of women's vaginal discharge were used to identify the incriminated microorganism. The sociodemographical data gathered using a semi structured questionnaire revealed that a proportion of 32.2% of women had non-protected sexual intercourses and 34.75 % used condom as a mean of protection. An abnormal vaginal discharge was noticed among 87.29% of women (103 women) and 74% of them had a vaginal infection. This vaginal infection was due to Candida albicans (48%), Gardnerella vaginalis (2.13%) and other endogenous bacteria (28%). Twenty four (24%) presented a coinfection involving Candida albicans. The antifungal and antibiotics drugs frequently used to cure vaginal infection were efficient excepted Miconazol (18.18% of resistance) for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, Ampicillin (73.78% of resistance) and Cotrimoxazole (43.64% of resistance) for the treatment of vaginal infection involving bacteria.

Key words: vaginal infection, antibiotic, antifungal, microorganism, Burkina Faso

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