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Comparison Between Sublingual and Vaginal Route of Misoprostol in Management of First Trimester Miscarriage Missing

Zahra Dehbashi, Mahmood Moosazadeh, Mahdi Afshari.


Background: Each year, more than forty million abortions are occurred whole of the world. Misoprostol is a prostaglandin analogue with a strong uterotonic effect. The present study aimed to compare the efficacy of Misoprostol in first trimester abortion through two sublingual and vaginal routes of administration. Methods: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 52 consecutive women in first trimester candidate for pregnancy termination because of fetal IUFD or missed abortion in sonography reports. The patients were hospitalized and then randomly assigned to receive sublingual Misoprostol (400 μg, n 27) or vaginal Misoprostol (400 μg placed in posterior fornix, n = 25). Findings: None of the pregnant in the sublingual group developed complete abortion at the end of follow-up time, while 36% of women inducted with vaginal misoprostol experienced complete abortion indicating a intergroup significant difference (p = 0.001). Compared with vaginal group, those women in sublingual group experienced more complications including diarrhea (22.2% versus 20.0%), nausea and vomiting (22.2% versus 0.0%), and abdominal pain (3.7% versus 0.0%). Conclusion: The use of Misoprostol in vaginal route results in more abortion completeness as well as lower complication rate as compared to sublingual prescription of the drug.

Key words: Sublingual, Vaginal route, Misoprostol, Abortion, Pregnancy termination.

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