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Mothers’ Satisfaction with Treatment Opportunities for their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Elvira Mujkanovic, Haris Memisevic, Edin Mujkanovic, Sadata Zecic, Inga Biscevic.


Aim: The goal of this study was to examine the general satisfaction of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with treatment opportunities for their children in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An additional goal was to assess the level of mothers’ satisfaction with their own involvement in the creation and implementation of Individual Education Plans. Methods: The sample consisted of 98 mothers of children with ASD. Mothers answered to questions related to their perceived satisfaction with treatment options. Results: The results of this study indicated that mothers are generally satisfied with educational opportunities for their children (61.2%). However, their satisfaction with involvement in the creation and implementation of Individual Education Programs was much lower (35.7%). Most comments of the mothers were that the treatment options should be more widely available and that the educational programs could be improved. Conclusions: Parents of children with ASD should have more information on the treatment options available for their children. More educational opportunities need to be offered to children with ASD in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Key words: autism spectrum disorder, mothers, children with autism, treatment opportunities.

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