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Review Article

Bologna Model of Medical Education–Utopia or Reality

Lejla Zunic, Doncho Donev.


Higher education in Europe and in the Balkan’s countries is undergoing major reforms. The Bologna Process was a major reform created with the claimed goal of providing responses to issues such as the public responsibility for higher education and research, higher education governance, the social dimension of higher education and research, and the values and roles of higher education and research in modern, globalized, and increasingly complex societies with the most demanding qualification needs. Changes in the curricula, modernization of facilities and their alignment with the programs of other European universities, employment of a larger number of assistants, especially in the clinical courses at our universities are necessary. Also, it is necessary to continue to conduct further detailed analysis and evaluation of teaching content and outcomes in the future. In this review authors expressed their views and experience of using Bologna model of education in the Balkan’s countries with emphasis on Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Macedonia.

Key words: Bologna System of education, utopia, reality.

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