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Predictive value of simple biomarkers of mortality in patients with severe heart failure in emergency department in Suez Canal University Hospital in Ismailia

Khaled Moursy Salama, Monira T. Ismail, Hanan Kamal, Basant Mousa.

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Background : Heart failure (HF) has become one of the most important problems in health care in the western world. There are over 26 million people who suffer from heart failure in the world. Half of all patients diagnosed with heart failure die within four years. It is very important to predict if a patient will die soon so that an effective prevention can be employed. However, characteristics and outcome of HF patients are not well investigated in developing countries like Egypt.
Patients & Methods: was to assess the short term predictive value of simple biomarkers (such as d-dimer, CRP & ESR) regarding cardiovascular mortality and major cardiovascular events in patients with severe heart failure. This is cross sectional study, the study included 141 patients.
Results: according to ESR, CRP, d-dimer as predictors of hospital admission within one month follow-up:45.9 % of the patients had moderately elevated ESR, 72.1% of the patients had high CRP and 13.1 % of the patients had positive D-dimer. According to ESR, CRP, D-dimer as predictors of mortality within one month follow up: 83.3% of the patients had moderately elevated ESR within first hour, 83.3% of the patients had high CRP and 33.3% of the patients had positive D-dimer.
Conclusion: ESR may be a good predictor of mortality within one month follow up, while CRP, D-dimer are not.

Key words: Heart failure mortality, ESR, CRP, D-dimer, Biomarkers

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