Objective: To determine expectation of patients from physical therapist.
Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, a questionnaire was used to collect information from 1008 patients receiving physiotherapy treatment from September 2015 to February 2016 from tertiary care hospitals of Islamabad.
Results: It was found that 84.1% (848) patients expected to explain the precautions, 65.7% (662) expected the physiotherapist to ask about improvement, 60.2% (607) definitely expected the physiotherapist to perform tests and investigations, 48.8% (492) rather expected the physiotherapist to perform physical examination and 1% patients did not expect the physical therapist to give choice regarding the exercise.
Conclusion: Patients have high to moderate expectations from the physiotherapist. Most of the patients highly expect from the physiotherapist to perform the investigations and tests relative to patient condition and patients fewer expectations from physiotherapists are to discuss the performed treatment.
Key words: Expectations, physiotherapist, physical therapy.