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RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 162-164

Prevalence and risk factors for low back pain among shopkeepers/salesman at model town link road Lahore, Pakistan

Talib Hussain, Faiza Taufiq, Taimoor ul Hassan.


Objective: To find the prevalence and intensity of low back pain (LBP) among shopkeepers and their associated risk factors and to determine working postures and activities of shopkeepers which make them vulnerable to low back pain.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted at Model Town Link Road, Lahore, Pakistan for a period of five months. 96 shopkeepers were selected by non-probability convenience sampling. Prevalence was measured by modified Nordic questionnaire and intensity of pain by Visual Analog Scale.
Results: Prevalence of LBP was 56.25%. Of these, 81(84.38%) were male and 15(15.63%) were female. LBP was most common in age group 18-24 years. 58.8% of them had difficulty at job due to LBP. More working hours and prolonged standing or sitting in poor postures were associated with LBP.
Conclusion: About half of the shopkeepers (56.25%) suffered from LBP. Working hours and poor posture were risk factors. Therefore, ergonomic advice is needed to prevent from low back pain.

Key words: Low back pain, backache, risk factors, shopkeepers, salesmen.

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