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Case Report

RMJ. 2017; 42(3): 444-445

Acquired abdominal intercostal hernia: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment

Ashok Marappan, Ismail Burud, Mahadevan Deva Tata.


Acquired Abdominal Intercostal Hernia (AAIH) is a rare entity where the intra-abdominal contents protrude through the intercostal space with an intact diaphragm. It occurs mainly after trauma and can be a diagnostic challenge. Most of the AAIH are repaired with open approach. We report a case of a 67 year old lady had an accident with traumatic chest injury and was seen in the surgical clinic 3 months after trauma. CT scan was done which revealed a defect at the right lateral chest wall with herniation of small bowel loops, part of ascending colon and mesentery. She had a succesful laparoscopic hernia repair with a composite mesh placement.

Key words: Acquired abdominal intercostal hernia, post trauma, chest wall herniation

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