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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 593-599

Frequency of agricultural work-related musculoskeletal disorders, functional disability and ergonomic awareness in farmers of Kasur district, Punjab, Pakistan

Noreen Qasim, Maria Sohail, Hafiza Sana Ashraf, Aeysha Gulzar, Nimra Javed, Abdul Ghafoor.


Objective: To find the frequency of agricultural work-related musculoskeletal disorders, functional disabilities and ergonomic awareness in farmers of Kasur district, Punjab, Pakistan.
Methodology: In this analytical observational study, 145 farmers of district Kasur were included using convenient sampling technique from October 2019 to January 2020. Standardized Oswestry Disability Index, Body Symptoms Survey and modified, self-administered questionnaires were used for data collection.
Results: Mean age of participants was 41.82±12.282 years (range 20-70). Per day mean working hours were 11.17±2.868 (range 2-17). Considerably large number of people had symptoms which caused functional disabilities; firstly in thigh region (36.3%, p=0.001) & secondly in lower leg (28.8%, p=0.01). About 68.5% farmers had fair knowledge of ergonomics (p

Key words: Ergonomic adaptations, functional disability, musculoskeletal symptoms.

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