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Case Report

An isolated acute pisiform and triquetrum fracture

Erdinc Acar.


An Isolated Acute Pisiform and Triquetrum Fracture

The incidence of pisiform fracture is very low and generally it is associated with other carpal or distal radial injuries.Triquetral fractures are the second most common carpal bone fractures after scaphoid fractures. However, there is no report on a simultaneous pisiform and triquetrum fracture.The clinical and functional outcome was excellent with acute simple immobilization.Late diagnosis can lead to osteoarthritic sequelae involving the pisotriquetral joint.A case of isolated pisiform and triquetral fracture is presented in this case report.
Keywords: Pisiform, pisotriquetral joint, triquetral fracture
Level of Evidence: IV

Key words: Pisiform, pisotriquetral joint, triquetral fracture

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