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In vitro Screening for Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B and Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Inhibitors from Nigerian Medicinal Plants

Yusuf Saidu, Suleiman Alhaji Muhammad, Abdullahi Abbas Yahaya, Andrew Onu, Ibrahim Tsado Mohammed, Luba Muhammad.


Background/Aim: Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) have been identified as one of the drug target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The current study was designed to screen for PTP1B and DPP IV inhibitors from some Nigerian medicinal plants.
Methods: PTP 1 B and DPP IV Drug Discovery Kits from Enzo Life Sciences were used to investigate in vitro inhibitory effect of crude methanolic extract of 10 plants; Mangifera indica, Moringa oleifera, Acacia nilotica, Arachis hypogea, Senna nigricans, Azadirachta indica, Calotropis procera, Leptadenia hastata, Ziziphus mauritiana and Solanum incanum.
Results: The result indicated PTP IB inhibition by Senna nigricans (68.2±2.29%), Azadirachta indica (67.4±2.80%), Arachis hypogea (57.2±2.50%), Acacia nilotica (55.1±2.19%) and Moringa oleifera (41.2±1.87%) were significantly (P0.05) different from that of sumarin. The DPP IV inhibition by S. incanum (68.1±2.71%) was significantly higher as compared with a known inhibitor, P32/98. S. nigrican (57.0±1.91%), Z. mauritiana (56.6±2.01%), A. hypogea (51.0±1.30%), M. indica (44.6±2.40%), C procera (36.2±2.00%), A. nilotica (35.4±2.10%) and A. indica (33.6±1.50%) show significantly (P

Key words: Type 2 diabetes, PTP IB, DPP IV, inhibition, medicinal plants

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