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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2017; 30(2): 145-148

Abused-abuser dilemma in sexual abuse and forensic evaluation: a case report

Meryem Ozlem Kutuk, Gulen Guler, Ali Evren Tufan, Sati Sanberk.


The factors such as having family problems, growing up in a disintegrated family, having parents with personality disorders, expressing physical and mental deficiencies, history of alcohol and substance abuse, previous history of sexual abuse, and lack of social support may increase the risk of being exposed to sexual abuse. According to the previous studies about one-third of children who are subjected to abuse may become abusers in the future. In such a condition, a dilemma of abuse-abuser has been experienced. Importantly, additional medical mistakes and lack of experience in such cases make legal evaluation processes more complex. In this case report, we discussed a pediatric patient who was abused by a babysitter with a history of abuse in her adolescence. Early recognition of sexual abuse, treatment of developing psychiatric disorders, and a follow-up program are necessary to minimize the vicious cycle of abused-abuser.

Key words: Abused-abuser, child psychiatry, child sexual abuse

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