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Clinical effectiveness of olopatadine therapy in children with allergic conjunctivitis

Scandashree K, Praveen Kumar B, Padmaja Udaykumar, Meghana Patil.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Olopatadine hydrochloride is one of the most promising agents with a broad range of pharmacological effects. It has both antihistaminic and mast cell stabilizing properties. It is used in various allergic diseases, and its ophthalmic solution is used in allergic conjunctivitis.

Aims and Objectives: To assess the clinical effectiveness of olopatadine therapy in children with allergic conjunctivitis.

Materials and Methods: This was a prospective interventional study conducted to assess the clinical efficacy and safety of 0.2% olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution on 49 pediatric allergic conjunctivitis patients. 1-2 drops of the ophthalmic solution were administered once daily in each eye for 6 weeks. Scoring of redness, itching, watering, and photophobia was estimated at baseline, 2 week and 6 weeks. Adverse effects were noted at each visit if any.

Results: The mean scores of redness, itching, watering, and photophobia were reduced after 2 weeks of treatment which was statistically significant (P < 0.001).

Conclusion: Olopatadine hydrochloride 0.2% once daily administration was effective in reducing ocular signs and symptoms in allergic conjunctivitis in the pediatric population.

Key words: Olopatadine; Allergic Conjunctivitis; Children; Effectiveness

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