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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(3): 202-206

Characterization and antimicrobial potential of soil actinobacterium TFA 1 isolated from Talakona forest, Andhra Pradesh

Ponnuswamy Shekar, Manikkam Radhakrishnan, Venugopal Gopikrishnan, Arumugam Suresh.


The present study reports the characterization and antimicrobial potential of actinobacterial strain TFA1 isolated from Thalakona forest soil, Andhra Pradesh. Phenotypic, cell wall and molecular characteristics of strain TFA1 was studied by adopting standard procedures. Strain TFA1 produced powdery colonies on ISP2 agar medium with aerial and substrate mycelium. Cell wall analysis revealed the presence of LL- DAP and glycine but no sugar. PCR amplification of 16s rRNA gene of strain TFA1 yielded 1200 bp sequence. In 16s rRNA nucleotide sequence analysis, strain TFA1 (accession no KP893923) shows 99% similarity to Streptomyces kurssanoviiNBRC 13192. In preliminary agar plug method, strain TFA1 showed activity against S. aureus, B. cereus and E. coli. Strain TFA1 produced bioactive metabolites in solid media on 3rd day of fermentation whereas in liquid media the production of bioactive metabolite was observed on 5th day of fermentation. The ethyl acetate extract of strain TFA1 showed 14-18 mm inhibition against Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial pathogens.

Key words: actinobacteria, characterization, taxonomy, antimicrobial activity, fermentation

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