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Laparoscopic resection for gastric neuroendocrine and stromal tumors: a single-center prospective study

Aziz Ari, Kenan Buyukasik, Cihad Tatar.


In stomach, the majority of the endocrine system neoplasm is situated in the corpus or the fundus, constituting a collection of non-functioning, enterochromaffin similar cell, and proper differentiated carcinoid. The golden standard in gastric GIST and NET is always operational removal whenever possible. In this study, we aimed to exhibit our outcomes by experience on laparoscopic resection of GIST and NETs, each one in the stomach. The current study was prospectively designed in our hospital to assess the likelihood and the safeness of the laparoscopy for individuals with GISTs and NETs, between January 2012 and 2014. Partial gastric resection was applied to eleven individuals (6 males /5 females) who were clinically determined as stomach-located GIST and NETs. The mean value of the tumor diameter was 4.2±1,36 cm (range: 2.5-6.8, median:4.3 cm). Tumor locations were around the fundus (n:2;%18.1), the antrum (n:3;%27.3), and the corpus (n:6; %54.5). The mitotic counts of the tumors were found to be 10/50 HPF in 2 patients. All 7 GISTs were c-KIT (CD117), DOG1 or CD34 positive (n:7). All 4 NETs were both Synaptophysin and Chromogranin positive. The main presenting symptom was abdominal pain (n:6, %54). In this article, the results supported that the laparoscopic way on the treatment of gastric GISTs and NETs is a secure and profitable selection for individuals if treated properly.

Key words: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, neuroendocrine tumor, laparoscopic resection

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