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Caregiver burden in caregivers of elderly registered in Armed Forces Hospital and King Fahad Military Medical Complex Home Care Services in Dhahran

Rana Alshehri, Fadwa Alohali, Bader Almutairi.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Worldwide, there is a dramatic shift in the distribution of population toward older ages. Family caregivers are playing a major role in keeping ongoing care for this age group. Moreover, they are saving tremendous costs on healthcare systems. Unfortunately, caregivers throughout their experience are facing difficulties, suffering and are subjected to “caregiver burden.”

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of caregiver burden and to identify its predictive factors.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in two conveniently selected home care registered elderly in two military hospitals in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. In a structured interview setting, a constructed questionnaire and Zarit Burden Interview were used to collect data from primary caregivers.

Results: A total of 117 caregivers for functionally impaired elderly people were included in the study. The overall estimated prevalence was 65%. Furthermore, severe, moderate, and mild burden were 15%, 18%, and 30%, respectively. Longer duration of caregiving, unavailability of secondary caregiver, and female care recipient were positively associated with the burden.

Conclusions: Results of the present study show a respectable prevalence of burden among Saudi caregivers. Effective counseling, education, and multidisciplinary support are needed for caregivers of an elderly population. Further studies are needed to explore the burnout among Saudi caregivers.

Key words: Caregiver Burden; Caregivers of Elderly; Saudi Arabia

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