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Evaluation of growth after liver transplantation in a group of Turkish pediatric patients

Fatma Ilknur Varol, Mukadder Ayse Selimoglu, Sukru Gungor, Sezai Yilmaz.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: Growth failure is considered as an important predictor of negative outcomes after liver transplantation (LT). In our study we aimed to evaluate the growth of liver transplanted children both at the time of LT and on follow-up and to determine factors which are effective on growth.
Materials and Methods: Seventy nine children were included in the study. Evaluation of growth just before the LT and post-LT 6th month,1st,2nd and 3rd years was done by using weight for age Z (WAZ) and height for age Z scores (HAZ).
Results: Sixteen (20.3%) patients had HAZ score

Key words: Children; growth; liver transplantation; acute liver failure; chronic liver failure

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