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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2588-2602

Study On Problems Of Critical Thinking Ability In The Subject History Among Class Ix Students Of Dharapur Higher Secondary School

Ms. Juti Das.


As we know critical thinking can inspire the students to become a problem solvers but sometimes it was seen that subject like history students used to opt for rote learning. This method of learning suppress their way of creative writing and their own presentation on answer script. So the study conducted in this paper is to examine the problems of critical thinking in history subject that is lacking among the students of 9th standard of Dharapur High School. In this study the researcher had used 34 samples and various methods like questionnaire, observation, interview for collecting data. After finding the result based on objectives and hypotheses the researcher in conclusion put some suggestions to bridge the gap on dearth of critical thinking and rote learning.

Key words: problem, dearth, critical thinking, history

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