Background: Anemia is a major public health problem of considerable importance in the developing countries in the world.
Objective: The aim of present study is to determine the prevalence of anemia and various types of anemia in admitted patients in PDU Hospital, Rajkot.
Materials and Methods: The duration of this study is 6 months since December 2015-May 2016. A total of 4775 cases were studied, out of 27,033 which were indoor patient admitted in various wards in PDU Hospital, Rajkot. The samples for test were collected in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tube and received at central clinical laboratory in our hospital. The slides were prepared and stained with field stain. The samples were run in hematology cell counter Sysmex KX-21 for hematology indices and other parameters. Microscopic examination of slides was done for peripheral smear examination and complete blood count estimation.
Results: In our study, anemia found in 4775 (17.66%) cases out of 27,033 admitted in different wards of PDU Hospital, Rajkot; 3187 (66.74%) were females and 1588 (33.25%) were males. Maximum cases 2942 (61.605) are found in age group of 21-40 years. In our study, microcytic hypochromic anemia was found in 2410 (50.47%), normocytic normochromic anemia in 2260 (47.32%), dimorphic anemia in 314 (6.57%), hemolytic anemia in 193 (4.04%), macrocytic anemia in 188 (3.93%), pancytopenia in 51 (1.06%), and sickle cell anemia in 38 (0.79%).
Conclusion: The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is increasing in female, mainly in reproductive age group in developing countries. A diagnosis of anemia needs adequate clinical attention, to find out the cause, type, and severity and this forms the basis for treatment of anemia.
Key words: Anemia; Microcytic Hypochromic; Normochromic Normocytic